Thursday, December 27, 2012

A wonderful holiday season :)

So the holidays went great! Spent a lot of time going over the things in life that are important to me. Trying to figure out how I can make 2013 the year I accomplish something meaningful. I'm really excited to see what July throws my way. Shall it remain the boring life in BG that it is now, or will a new city and a new adventure start! I'm rather hoping its a new adventure. In looking forward to moving on and moving past the ghosts that haunt me here in NWO. I'm totally thinking a career change is in order. I love my job but I really think its time to figure out what I want to do with my life. And I'm really hoping 2013 will be the year I figure it out! Of course I'm going to miss the great people I have come to know, but there just comes a time in everyone's life when the norm just isn't enough anymore. At some point in ones life they must learn to spread their wings and fly free. It's about time I went and did something for myself, and now do what others expect or want me to do. It's my life I will start living it the way I want to. I'm sure some will become angry and not be supportive, but hey they have their life to live and I have mine :).
Enough rambling for now, enjoy this winter wonderland :)